Friday, July 19, 2019

Henry II :: European Europe History

Henry II Defend or disagree this statement: "Henry was little more than a child himself, therefore he was a weak and ineffectual king." I disagree with this statement. Henry II defeated Stephen of Blois's armies in 1153 and compelled the king to choose him as his successor. Upon Stephen's death in 1154, Henry II became king at the age of twenty-one. His energy was equaled only by his ambition and intelligence. Henry II survived wars, rebellion, and controversy to successfully rule one of the Middle Ages' most powerful kingdoms. During his reign Henry II instituted important judicial reforms, establishing a centralized system of justice. He began the process of replacing the old trial by ordeal with modern court procedures. Henry II is considered the father of the English law system and many of his practices are still followed today. Henry II ruled a kingdom that stretched from the Scottish border to the Pyrenees. He refined Norman government and created a capable, self-standing bureaucracy. These are not the acts of a weak child , but of a powerful and most effective kings. 2. Who was the smarter of the two, Henry or Thomas? How do you know? Offer evidence to back up your answer. I believe that Henry II and Thomas were both intelligent men, and both played a large part in shaping history. I do believe that Thomas became a man of integrity and kept his priorities straight in his allegiance to both his country and his Church. When the two came in conflict, he correctly chose to obey the Church. He stood up for what he believed and more than that he stood up for God. He is an example for all, he did not compromise his allegiance to his beliefs and morals. His

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